Hi there! I'm Leon Trieu and I am an undergraduate computer science student at Simon Fraser University residing in Vancouver, BC. I love being a software engineer; expressing creativity and ideas through technology and code
I'm just a wavy dude trying to catch that big wave!
You can view my current résume in PDF format here.
Discover your Spotify listening trends, explore Genius's 'behind-the-scenes' of your favourite songs, and save personally curated music recommendations!
A front-end web application utilizing popular front-end frameworks and design libraries to provide an engaging user experience, all powered by the Spotify & Genius developer APIs.
Check it out now with the visit link below!
A slack-based chatbot that helped new remote interns or hires answer onboarding
related questions and connect them with expert employees within the SAP internal community
Developed using Python and Natural Language Processing Kit by Google Cloud
1st place team finish out of a 12-team competition hosted internally for interns at SAP
Labs Vancouver
A team project to develop an iOS resource & tool to help individuals with newborns and toddlers based their dietary needs and consumption
Features include nutritional food guides, logging diaries, unique user sign-up/log-in, personal profile pages and more
A challenge submission for Shopify's UX & Web Developer Intern position.
A front-end application where you can search the OMDB API for movie titles, nominate and share your Shoppinees for the "Shoppies Awards". Built with Material Design standards and the GraphQL querying language.
Easily generate 2v2 round robin schedules with rotating doubles. Algorithmically designed such that each team rotation is a unique team pair in every round!
Built with a responsive, mobile-first design using React and Bootstrap.
A peer 2 peer python socket programming project that emulates a torrenting file-sharing service. The application is based on the BitTorrent specification.
The purpose of the project is to learn how to build a peer to peer application using socket programming to solve file sharing bottlenecks in client-server models, in which multiple clients would download files hosted on a single server. The goal is to implement a decentralized process that allows clients to share (upload & download) files in segments (pieces) from other various clients purely through peer to peer TCP connections.
A mobile application that uses image recognition and machine learning technology to detect eletronics, products, and brands which redirects to a Best Buy product page
Built a minimal viable product using Unity (C#), Android SDK and Clarifai API along with a business pitch within 24 hours
Resulted in a Second Place finish out of 44 teams at BizHacks 2019!
A sample project to explore AngularJS and HTML
A simple web app that calculates arithmetic expressions in order of operations using post-fix notation